Hostile Gym trio all medalled at Commonwealth Power Lifting Championships

Hostile members (from left) Alexander, Robert and Jonathon with their Commonwealth medals (Submitted pic)Hostile members (from left) Alexander, Robert and Jonathon with their Commonwealth medals (Submitted pic)
Hostile members (from left) Alexander, Robert and Jonathon with their Commonwealth medals (Submitted pic)
No fewer than three members of Motherwell's Hostile Gym won medals at the prestigious Commonwealth Power Lifting Championships.

Despite suffering from the after effects of jet lag and sweltered by high temperatures, Jonathan Lenzi, Alexander Anderson and Robert Mcaulay landed podium positions in South Africa last Monday.

Jonathan’s gold in the under-93kg junior class saw him break a Scottish bench press record with a stunning lift of 167.5kg at Potchefstroon Indoor Sports Centre.

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Hostile Gym boss Martin Lennox said: “It was great that Jonathan managed to win.

“This is the biggest title he’s landed so far.

“It was a dramatic victory as he won with his third lift.”

Fellow Hostile members Alexander and Robert, who are training partners, landed silver in the under-83kg junior and bronze in the under-120kg categories respectively.

“They are two nice young lads who always have smiles on their faces,” Martin said. “Even when they are lifting weights!

“It was only Robert’s second powerlifting event after switching from strongman contests but he showed he is more than capable of doing it.

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“All the lads did well because the competition was just two or three days after they’d landed in South Africa following a 24-hour flight.

“It was also very hot and I’m not sure how much air conditioning there was at the venue.”

Martin said that all three of his Commonwealth medallists had been inspired to join Hostile Gym due to the world title winning exploits of fellow member Callum Crozier, Robert’s training partner.

And they also love the facilities there.

“They relish the relaxed atmosphere at this gym,” Martin said.

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“They can train at whatever time they want, which helps them compete at an international level.”

This Sunday, Hostile Strength and Conditioning Gym, in Flemington Industrial Estate, will be the venue for Lanarkshire’s Strongest Man, which will run from noon and feature seven events. Spectators welcome.

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